
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Vic Chesnutt - Flirting with Suicide all his Life - Really?

The L.A. Times reports that Vic Chesnutt stated in an interview that he has been a suicidal person all his life. For me this begs the question: And he's writing songs that our kids listen to and no one seems to care? - I know being a writer myself that writers either write out of pain, need for justice or out of joy for life. But let's no take it this far. How can we ignore a man who is in this much emotional pain?

Chesnutt had some tough cards dealt to him when he broke his neck and became wheel chair bound. His medical bills mounted to a point where he could not afford to make payments any longer. It just makes me wonder. How can we assess what a person can pay? Or do we?

Chesnutt did not see the point to his life any longer and committed suicide by taking prescription pills which put him in a coma, following with his passing.

Are we really in that much pain? I'm not. Life will always throw us curve balls, but we don't have to give up because we can't catch the ball sometimes. There's no reason to give up. There are a thousand reasons to find the good in life. I feel for Vic's family.