
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Republican Craig Huey loses congressional race to Democrat Janice Hahn, but there is something far more disturbing going on.

Congressional Candidate Craig Huey is a nice guy. I met him last night and I must say he was everything we need right now both in local and national government. He cared about the people, about their lives, he looked you in the eye and smiled and when he spoke about the issues. Though I did not agree with him on everything, he spoke with conviction.

I did not vote for Janice Hahn last night, though my Democratic friends probably thought I should have “for the sake of the Party.” But some things never change, simply because they can’t. Janice Hahn wants to tax marijuana. She wants to regulate and control it and look the other way on the great harms it would cause. For me that was too big of a liability. For many of my fellow party members this did not matter.

They knew, Janice Hahn knows government. She knows how to take care of unions and fat cats. She will spearhead job growth and she will hit the ground running. Yes, she will know how to do her job, there is no doubt in my mind. At the end of the day however, we have to show that we have principles that cannot be broken. And even though I have known Janice Hahn since 2002 and even believe she will be a good Congresswoman in many respects, I will no longer be a fan or a supporter of hers.

As for the Democratic Party, I wonder what else they will do “in the interest of the Party.” Supporting drug dealers seems to be a trend they are taking in some parts of California. To say the least, I am disappointed. I am disappointed in my party and I am disappointed in Janice Hahn. For some, Janice Hahn may be a light at the end of the tunnel. The party may not see the significance and long-term consequence supporting drug dealers. It’s not a solution or a light at the end of the tunnel; it’s an oncoming run-away train.