
Monday, October 8, 2012

In 1908, Prohibition was about a lot more than Alcohol

1908 Prohibition Party Platform

 The Prohibition Party of the United States, assembled in convention at Columbus, Ohio, July 15-16, 1908, expressing gratitude to Almighty God for the victories of our principles in the past, for encouragement at present, and for confidence in early and triumphant success in the future, makes the following declaration of principles, and pledges their enactment into law when placed in power:

  1. The submission by Congress to the several States, of an amendment to the Federal constitution prohibiting the manufacture, sale, importation, exportation, or transportation of alcoholic liquors for beverage purpose.

 2. The immediate prohibition of the liquor traffic for beverage purposes in the District of Columbia, in the Territories, and all places over which the National Government has jurisdiction; the repeal of the internal revenue tax on alcoholic liquors and the prohibition of interstate traffic therein.

 3. The election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people.

 4. Equitable graduated income and inheritance taxes.

 5. The establishmment of postal savings banks and the guaranty of deposits in banks.

 6. The regulation of all corporations doing an interstate commerce business.

 7. The creation of a permanent tariff commission.

 8. The strict enforcement of laws instead of official tolerance and practical license of the social evil which prevails in many of our cities, with its unspeakable traffic in girls.

 9. Uniform marriage and divorce laws.

10. An equitable and constitutional employers liability act.

11. Court review of Post-Office Department decisions.

12. The prohibition of child labor in mines, workshops, and factories.

13. Legislation  basing suffrage only upon intelligence and ability to read and write the English language.

14. The preservation of the mineral and forest resources of the country, and the improvement of the highways and waterways.

 Believing in the righteousness of our cause and the final triumph of our principles, and convinced of the unwillingness of the Republican and Democratic parties to deal with these issues, we invite to full party fellowship all citizens who are with us agreed.