
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pharmaceutical Grade Medical Marijuana in 2014?

I personally would like to see us do away with everything we know to be so-called medical marijuana and have no interest in such methods of "medication." Today's marketing pitch on marijuana has so much deliberate misuse of language and brainwashing involved with it, we are better of getting rid of it so we can have a sane dialogue about proposing marijuana as medicine, which should be discussed by scientists and pharmacologists, not hacks, retired judges and retired cops.

New data shows the FDA is working on clinical trials, some of which have already been completed, to bring pharmaceutical grade, medical marijuana to the United States. In this article by the Scientific American more can be learned bout the drug Sativex, which has government approval in the United Kingdom.

"The medical marijuana drug Sativex, which could be approved in the United States in the coming years as a treatment for pain relief, has little potential for abuse, experts say.

The British pharmaceutical company GW Pharmaceuticals is currently testing the drug, which is delivered as a mouth spray and called Sativex, in clinical trials. The company plans to seek U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for the drug as a treatment for cancer pain when the trials are completed, likely sometime in 2014, a spokesperson for GW Pharmaceuticals told MyHealthNewsDaily..."