
Sunday, December 30, 2012

MADD Tips: How to Prevent Someone from Driving Drunk

 The best way to prevent someone from driving drunk is to make a plan for a sober designated driver, and make sure everyone agrees to it ahead of time. If you are faced with a situation where someone who’s impaired is trying to drive, here are some tips on how to stop them:
  • Be as non-confrontational as possible.
  • Suggest alternate ways of getting to their destination — a cab, a sober driver, public transportation.
  • Remember that the person you are talking to is impaired — talk a bit more slowly and explain things more fully than if you were speaking to a sober person.
  • Explain that you don’t want them to drive because you care and you don’t want them to hurt themselves or others.
  • Suggest that they sleep over.
  • Enlist a friend to help you or to act as moral support — it’s more difficult to say “no” to two (or three or four) people than one.
  • If possible, get the person’s keys. It is far easier to persuade the potential driver when you hold this leverage.
  • If all else fails, call law enforcement. It’s better to have a friend arrested than injured or killed.