
Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Olsen Twins $55,000 Prescription Pill Junkie Bag

Today, there are more people dying from prescriptions drugoverdoses than from traffic accidents.  But none of that seems to matter to Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, also known as the Olsen twins.  They probably think they’re hilarious with their new line of junkie pill freak bags.  Fact is however that this is just not funny. 

 To top it all off, this pill riddled tote of nightmarish stupidity can be yours for $55,000 smackeroos!  Hey, these days not even Lindsay Lohan can afford that!  

The fist thing that comes to mind when examining the “creative factors” of this disgusting bag, is that it looks like it was inspired by Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston’s toxicology report!  (May they rest in peace.)  Hey, maybe someone could make a pill that would make stupid celebrities leave the spotlight.  Really Mary Kate and Ashley, is this the best you can do?  What’s next?  Crack pipe earrings and heroin junkie rubber bands with needle charms for bracelets? 

Don’t you guys understand that our nation has a major drug problem with prescription drugs?  If this was supposed to be a publicity stunt, I can’t think of anything worse coming from Mary Kate and Ashley.  Target stores should never carry anymore Olsen twins products.

Photo Source:  TooFab