
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Recommended Movie: "Girl Model" a Film every Parent, Agent, Aspiring Model and Anti-Human Trafficking Advocate should see

Girl Model is a 2011 documentary film following Ashley, a conflicted model scout recruiting young Siberian girls to model in Japan, and Nadya, a recruited 13-year-old who gets financially taken advantage of during her modeling work in Japan. - This movie is about a lot more than the brief film summary.  It tells a story of how incredibly unprepared young girls are to become models. Of how their youth is taken away without them knowing, and how they learn to disassociate themselves from who they really want to be, much like victims of human trafficking.  The movie also covers how models cross the line into being prostituted because, according to modeling scout Ashley, "it is part of the business of modeling." 

"Girl Model" is available on iTunes 

Official website: