
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Religious leaders must take action against drugs: Paul Chabot

By Paul Chabot
What if all of America’s religious leaders spoke out, united, about the damaging effects to children and communities from drug legalization efforts? What if America’s churches asked their members to focus volunteer efforts in their local streets to address our nation’s epidemic of drug use?
What if the tens of thousands of religious leaders could empower their flocks; the estimated 100 million to take action for this noble and worthy cause? A lot of good could happen!
Most crime is drug-related, including gang activity. Child abuse, poverty and so many other societal issues are traced back to drug use. Yet, there is little concerted effort to rally our citizens, elected leaders and leaders of faith, to what should be a common cause for all. However, in July of this year, Pope Francis spoke out against drug legalization saying, “A reduction in the spread and influence of drug addition will not be achieved by a liberalization of drug laws.”
According to Reuters news, Pope Francis took an unequivocal stand against legalization as a means to fight drug addiction and criticized the trend in Latin America to decriminalize narcotics.
Drug legalization in America is so much more than “drug legalization.” Citizens need to understand that the effort to legalize drugs is a clear and present danger to the values and morals of a free society. The big-money people behind drug legalization have grander ideas in mind once they turn our great nation into their vision of America.
This nation’s people have been desensitized to marijuana. We were first told it’s “medicine,” and once the general public became soft on pot as medicine, the pro-drug lobby expanded its reach to outright marijuana legalization. This past year, both Colorado and Washington voters gave the thumbs-up to pot. At this rate, 20 years from now, we could be looking at a very different America — one where all drugs are legal.
According to my friends at Drug Free America, “legalization will increase crime and other societal costs. Approximately 75% of children in foster care are placed there because of parental substance abuse. Sexual assault is frequently facilitated by substance use — some experts put the number at over 60%. The U.S. Department of Justice found that 61% of domestic violence offenders also have substance abuse problems. Would drugs be legalized for use by adults only, and if so, how can we ensure children don’t get them? If marijuana, for example, were legalized, it would be marketed like tobacco. Perception of harm would decrease with everyday ad placements undermining years of drug education and prevention work.”
Very few church leaders are addressing this issue with their membership while some in Congress and state legislatures are moving forward with drug legalization agendas.
Faith-based leaders from all sectors must become engaged. They must educate their membership and speak loudly and clearly.
God’s army here on earth is enormous and I pray we can find the courage to fight the good fight. This is a battle of Good vs. Evil. It will not be easy. The other side is vicious and will attempt to tear you down. They will curse you, your family and attempt to destroy all you love. They mimic the very effects of what drugs do to a human being.
Martin Luther King said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” If those of faith do not engage in this moral battle, it will be our children, and our children’s children who will bear the burden of that inaction.
Time is short. Without you, we will fail. Therefore, we pass the torch to the faith-leaders to guide us all. Pope Francis has given his direction. It’s time to lead, my friends.
Paul R. Chabot, Ed.D, MPA, is president of the Coalition for a Drug Free California and author of “Eternal Battle against Evil” (