
Monday, September 2, 2013

The Obama Administration is Responsible for Teaching a Generation how to Lie so they would abuse Marijuana

By Alexandra D. Datig

After a lengthily wait of more than eight months, it was only a few days ago the White House finally announced that the Department of Justice would not seek legal interference with Colorado and Washington State’s recreational marijuana laws.  Of course not.  Interference with the will of voters would be dictatorial and unconstitutional, yet not interfering with prevention is barbaric and stupid! 

I do wonder, at what point the Obama Administration is going to fess up to the realty that they have been going along with teaching a generation of young people and adults how to lie about marijuana use by calling recreational use "medicine."  That is how we got legalized recreational use in Colorado and Washington State in the first place!  The Department of Justice and the White House refuses to see the hazards of caving in to the pressure of the drug lobby and their the red herring called medical marijuana.   But let’s face it, the damage has been done and it is irreversible. 

For the sake of social truth and mental health, can we please stop making liars out of recreational marijuana users who lie and claim a false illness in order to obtain a doctors recommendation so he or she can get high on pot?  I can’t take this ridiculous charade anymore!   Why do we have to be so duplicitous about this issue?  It's like the blind leading the blind!  What’s wrong with just telling it like it is? Win or lose.  The entire country is being manipulated into believing that it is perfectly fine to obtain marijuana by lying about an illness for at least 90% of users who do not have a serious illness!  Kids are watching and adults are downplaying the reality that lying about drug use is somehow okay. 

Legalizers may still be shown the door and will lose elections, but they would be better served if they just were honest about their intentions.  “Marijuana is better than alcohol” does not validate the dishonest so-called medical aspects of obtaining marijuana.  Making liars out of our young people in order to push a political agenda is cruel and oppressive.

There are several sides to the argument of marijuana.  Some have purpose, some do not.  One:  Yes, there should be medical marijuana for people who need it who are critically ill.  Two:  No, marijuana should not be sold out of dispensaries to sick people.  It should be made available through pharmaceutical methods that are laboratory tested and safe.  Three:  If people would rather go home and light up a doobie at the end of the day, instead of having a glass of wine or a beer then SAY IT AND STOP LYING!  What kind of an example is our government to our young people by condoning this outrageous lie?  When people get addicted to pot and have to go to treatment, the first thing they have to do is come clean with him or herself about lying to obtain a doctor’s recommendation to get medical marijuana?  And then they will realize the reason they thought it was okay to use marijuana was because their government caved in to legalization advocates and political donors like George Soros, running a pay-for-play game at the cost of our citizens health and prosperity.  Worst of all it was a scam built on a lie designed to fool a generation of young people.  If this is not an abject failure of leadership and transparency, then what is?