
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lindsay Lohan - It's time to get sober and get your life back!

Lindsay Lohan is one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. But in the last few years we have watched her fade into the absent minded world of addiction. Today I am seeing pictures on TMZ of Lindsay and it does not take an expert to see that Lindsay is not in touch with the real world anymore.

KTLA reported that police are thinking about committing Lindsay to an involuntary 5150 hold. 5150 is a 72 hour evaluation. I hope if the authorities do commit her, they make a recommendation for treatment of six months or more - away from Hollywood.

Lindsay is not getting it. She is not happy with who she is on the inside. Every time we turn around Lindsay has a different hair color. Why? Distracting on the outside so we don't have to deal with what's on the inside? It's quite typical for addicts.

5150 means it's over. Get real or get more of the same. It's time to want this thing Lindsay. A prayer for you. Get sober and get your life back.